“Philomena” (2013) is a drama that tells the true story of Philomena Lee, an Irish woman who embarks on a journey to find her son, who was taken from her…
“Trick Baby” (1972) is a crime drama that delves into the lives of two con men, exploring themes of deception, survival, and racial dynamics. Directed by Larry Yust and based…
“Left Behind” (2014) is an apocalyptic thriller that plunges viewers into a world of chaos and uncertainty following the sudden disappearance of millions of people. Directed by Vic Armstrong and…
“Just Before I Go” (2014) is a dark comedy-drama that explores themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the unexpected twists of life. Directed by Courteney Cox in her second directorial effort…
“Identity Theft” (2007) is a crime drama that delves into the lives of two men whose paths cross under extraordinary circumstances. Directed by Alfredo Rates and written by Elart Coello…
“Jobs” (2013) is a biographical drama that captures the extraordinary journey of Steve Jobs, from his early days as a college dropout to becoming one of the most revered creative…