“Philomena” (2013) is a drama that tells the true story of Philomena Lee, an Irish woman who embarks on a journey to find her son, who was taken from her…
“Left Behind” (2014) is an apocalyptic thriller that plunges viewers into a world of chaos and uncertainty following the sudden disappearance of millions of people. Directed by Vic Armstrong and…
“Just Before I Go” (2014) is a dark comedy-drama that explores themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the unexpected twists of life. Directed by Courteney Cox in her second directorial effort…
“Jobs” (2013) is a biographical drama that captures the extraordinary journey of Steve Jobs, from his early days as a college dropout to becoming one of the most revered creative…
“Blacklight” (2022) is an action thriller that plunges viewers into a world of government secrets and deadly conspiracies. Directed by Mark Williams and co-written by Nick May and Mark Williams,…